Thursday, November 3, 2011

Candy Corn And Small Dogs

I have always hated those dogs that were clothes and live in a little purses. rethink my thoughts on this as I found a pattern for making a candy corn sweater for a dog. The moment I saw it I knew I had to make it. It was a little short and didn't cover as much as I would have liked but it did turn out very cute.
I did not stop there of course as what is Halloween without a Jack o' Lantern or just a dog dressed up as one. I modified the fit of the sweater and added black felt for the eyes and mouth.

Pumpkin Sweater

This particular pattern fits a 12 to 20 pounder, but is easily adapted to any size four-legged animal.


orange worsted weight yarn

H crochet hook


chain 54. Join to form a loop, being careful not to twist the chain.

Rows 1-4: Chain 3 dc around. *Join to beg ch 3, turn, dc around. Repeat from * 2 more times.

Row 5: Join to beg of ch 3, ch 3, turn, dc around.

Row 6: Join to beg of ch 3, chain 3, turn, dc in next 33 dc.

Rows 7-11: *Chain 3, turn, dc across. Repeat from * 4 more times.

Row 12: Join at beg ch 3, chain 3, turn dc across. At end of row, chain 15 (you can use a smaller amount such as 6 but I knew that would fit around my dog), join to opposite side with slip stitch, being careful not to twist the chain.

Row 13: Chain 3, turn, dc in each chain and in each remaining double crochets; join with sl st at top of chain 3.

Row 14: Chain 3, turn, dc around.

Row 15: Join with sl st to beginning chain 3. Chain 1 turn, sl st around neck and fasten off.

Finishing: Join at bottom of sweater and sl st around. Weave in ends.

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